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Anti Bullying Week

Our school’s Anti Bullying Team organised various activities to help raise awareness against bullying. The main idea is to empower the students, to be inclusive and to be able to stand up against any form of bullying.


During Anti Bullying week, Monday 13th to Friday 17th, our school held special activities to reaffirm this commitment to ensure a more secure and inclusive environment for all our students.


  • Anti-Bullying videos were shown by class teachers during class teacher time.
  • Teachers set their home screens with messages of empowerment and against bullying
  • A digital poster competition for students was organised. The posters from this competition were displayed on the school’s notice board.
  • A set of lesson plans for various subjects was created for teachers to use or adept to transmit the message of empowerment and inclusion across the curriculum.



Further to this, our school’s Guidance teachers, with the help of people from the Office of the Commissioner for Children and from FSWS, organised a day seminar for both Form 2 and Form 3 students, about Cyber Bullying and Online Safety. These seminars were followed up by talks for Parents about the same topic.


The Assistant Head for Inclusion and the Guidance teachers attended a training seminar by Dignity Revolution

Throughout the scholastic year, the Team will continue to raise awareness, empower and encourage both teachers and students to create a safer space for learning.



Read 32 times Last modified on Wednesday, 10 April 2024 07:10