
Mission Statement

The Sacred Heart Minor Seminary is a Catholic boys’ secondary school run under the auspices of the Diocese of Gozo.

Enlightened and guided by the Christian spirit, the school:



Strengthens the students’ personal and academic formation;


Promotes priestly vocations, the consecrated and missionary life


Encourages lay people to be actively involved in helping others in the family, in the Church and society.

Setting up PayPass account

Latest News

Nhar l-Erbgħa 25 ta’ Settembru, l-istudenti tas-Seminarju Minuri rritornaw lura lejn il-bankijiet ...

  Our school was honoured to welcome a delegation from the Chinese Embassy, continuing our valued ...

Nhar l-Erbgħa 5 ta’ Ġunju 2024 ġiet iċċelebrata quddiesa mir-Rettur tas-Seminarju Maġġuri u ...

ICT Summer Courses are back this year. Applications are now open online here: ...
Photos taken by our EkoSkola members as part of Young Reporters for the Environment programme. Well ...

Our school’s Anti Bullying Team organised various activities to help raise awareness against ...

Some of our Form 3 and Form 5 students visited an exhibition about the 1948 luzzu tragedy being ...

Extra Curricular Activities


Upcoming Events

Oct 10, 2024 8:30 am

18 9th Avenue, at 13th Street, New York

Oct 09, 2024 8:30 am

18 9th Avenue, at 13th Street, New York

Oct 04, 2024 8:30 am

18 9th Avenue, at 13th Street, New York


Our Staff

Number of Teachers

Number of Learning Support Educators

Number of Non-Teaching Staff

Number of Students


Mr. Paul Rapa
Mr. Paul Rapa
Music Teacher

“I attended the Sacred Heart Minor Seminary during the 2001-2006 period. I found this school as a nurturing environment where I received a well-rounded education that incorporated both academic learning and moral values. The sense of community, support and guidance from the teachers and fellow students often created a positive and enriching experience. I developed my character and grew spiritually, which then contributed to a sense of purpose and direction in life.”

Mr. Nathaniel Refalo
Mr. Nathaniel Refalo

“My education at the Sacred Heart Minor Seminary was a holistic and well-rounded learning experience. I still remember the attention and initiative shown by staff towards students.”

Mr. Matthew Xerri
Mr. Matthew Xerri
Teacher of Physical Education

“Reflecting on my years at Sacred Heart Minor Seminary, I am grateful for the inspiring teachers who motivated me to pursue a career in teaching myself. The dedicated staff and educators played a significant role in instilling in me a lifelong love for learning and providing a strong foundation for my future endeavours.”

Mr. Mark Laurence Zammit
Mr. Mark Laurence Zammit
Journalist, television producer and presenter

“Looking back at the way my life unfolded, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I would not have gotten where I am today had I not gone to school here. My life would have been very, very different and for that I am eternally grateful to this school.”

Mr. Kirsten Theuma
Mr. Kirsten Theuma

“The five years that I have spent at the Sacred Heart Minor Seminary were amongst the most memorable ones of my life, thanks to each member of the dedicated staff and administrative team. This school’s environment has embedded into me important values and qualities which shaped me into the man that I am today, as well as enabled me to form new friendships, some of which I still cherish to this day. All in all, Sacred Heart Minor Seminary will always have a special place in my heart and it ticked all the boxes in what I expected from a secondary school and for that I sincerely thank you. ”

Captain Jeffrey Grima
Captain Jeffrey Grima
Emirates Airlines - A380

“From one dreamer to another, I stand before you as living proof that the journey you embark upon today will lead you to incredible heights. As an alumnus of this school and now a Trainer/Captain with Emirates Airlines flying the majestic A380, I want you to know that the foundation you are building here will shape your destiny. Embrace every lesson, seize every opportunity, and dare to dream beyond the horizon. The skies may seem limitless, but so are the possibilities that lie within each one of you. Let your passion for excellence and unwavering determination be the wind beneath your wings. Remember, the road to success may have twists and turns, but the values you hold dear will be your constant compass. Stay true to your heart, for it knows the way to greatness. As you take flight into the world, know that Sacred Heart Seminary will equip you with the tools to soar. Believe in yourself, and you will discover that the sky is not the limit – it's just the beginning. Wishing you all boundless success and joy on your journey ahead.”

Mr. Jamie Buttigieg
Mr. Jamie Buttigieg
Mechanical Engineer & Pilot

“Studying at Sacred Heart Minor Seminary has shown me that I can achieve anything that I want in life. The teaching staff were always supportive, made sure that we were always up to scratch and enforced discipline which helped me form my character. Moreover, the strong Catholic values that are cherished by the school led me to develop a sense of belonging and brought me closer to the Lord.”

Mr. Emmanuel Portelli
Mr. Emmanuel Portelli
Senior Data Analyst

“As a proud alumni of Sacred Heart Seminary, I can confidently say that the school's nurturing environment and dedicated faculty played a crucial role in shaping my character and academic excellence during my formative years. From fostering a strong sense of community to providing a diverse range of extracurricular opportunities, Sacred Heart Seminary truly prepares students to thrive both in their chosen careers and as individuals who positively impact the world around them.”

Mr. Damien Spiteri
Mr. Damien Spiteri
Auditor and Mayor

“I truly believe that joining the Sacred Heart Minor Seminary was one of the best decisions I took in my life. Those five years have shaped me in the person I am today. I will be forever grateful towards this educational institution.”

Anton Curmi
Anton Curmi

“Attending the sacred heart minor seminary has instilled values of hard word, determination, and discipline from a young age. While I did not realize it at the time, these values paved the way for me to excel in my professional career as a chef.”

Mr. Alan Xuereb
Mr. Alan Xuereb
Building Services Engineer

“During my years at the Sacred Heart Minor Seminary, I can say that I had a tremendously positive experience. The supportive teachers fostered a nurturing environment, allowing me to excel academically and explore my interests in extracurricular activities. The friendships I forged during those years have remained strong and helped me into a more confident and well rounded individual. I fondly remember the unforgettable school trips and events that brought everyone together, creating lasting memories and a sense of belonging. During my time in secondary school, I discovered my passion for engineering through engaging experiments and informative lectures, which led my to my current career. Overall, my positive experience in secondary school laid the foundation for my personal growth and future endeavors.”