Welcome to Gozo Minor Seminary


Parents of boys attending Year 6 in any primary school in Gozo are kindly asked to note that today, Friday 27th March, is the last day to apply for your son to be enrolled at the Sacred Heart Minor Seminary of Victoria Gozo for Form 1 / Year 7 for the next scholastic year 2020-2021.

The application form can be downloaded from this page, filled in and sent through email, using this email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Those who have any difficulty may contact the head of school on Friday 27th March, between 8am and 12pm by telephone 21556479 / 21562670.


Dear Parents and Guardians, 

Kindly use the following guidelines and application form to apply. You can access and download the pdf versions of the documents by clicking on the links below: 

Linji gwida dwar l-Applikazzjoni_Malti.pdf

Application Procedure_English.pdf 



To use any of the links within the following documents, please download the pdf version. 

Applikazzjoni Form 1 Subien - Seminarju Qalb ta'Gesu


Applikazzjoni Form 1 Bniet - Kunservatorju tal-Isqof